[Entry No.32] Temple Friend  (寺の友)

名前 / Name  triple bummer
 地域 / Area  アメリカ ジョージア州 アセンズ / Athens, Ga. USA
作品タイトル / Title  寺の友 / Temple Friend
コンセプト / Concept


/ Mild mannered friend of the temple of gloom

コメント / Comment


/ this toy is so wonderful!

ホームページ / SNS





/ Enjoying the toy sincerely pure, it reminds us of something important thing ‥I think in such a work! (tearWithout matching the color to the landscape around the temple, is composed of a gentle color of the overall pastel, I think that friendly inner surface of the temple Friends are well represented!!In a dark temple while there is a dignity, my heart warms to the gap setting of warm friends are!!!!


[Entry No.31] 能力者 / psychic

名前 / Name  魚怪 / Gyokai
 地域 / Area  台湾  / Taiwan
作品タイトル / Title  能力者 / psychic
コンセプト / Concept


/ His hands got a hemorrhage due to the power overload.A psychic that care lots about his own appearance.Even his underwear was customized by the most famous designer on the planet.

/ 雙手因超載能力而失血 非常注重外表的能力者 內褲還是那個星球最有名的設計師訂做的

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ホームページ / SNS






/ Here comes Psychic Meat!!Strong sideway glance and casual earring of simple, brings out may psychic sense of hidden bottomless within!!And it comes with a weakness that damaged the hand in the side effects because using too much Psychic! ! ! !Do you heal little by little don't use the psychic?No, he will continue to use! ! !Our advice was not translate well to him face!!!And skin type goodness!!! Skin shiny beauty that does not miss a care! ! ! !Sideways glance to mind the look of your own?The surprise is that wear to your ordered fussy pants at the time of the battle!!Fashionable is life for him! ! !I feel the New World to the representation of the psychic and fashionable of different color!!!!

[Entry No.30] フクシマアトミックアイアンミートサイボーグ / Fukushima Atomic Iron Meat Cyborg

名前 / Name  Bob Conge / Plaseebo
 地域 / Area  アメリカ ニューヨーク スプリングウォーター / Springwater New York, USA
作品タイトル / Title


/ Fukushima Atomic Iron Meat Cyborg

コンセプト / Concept


/ Backstory:During the earthquake on March 11th, 2011 at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, a worker had fallen into the spent fuel pool and was exposed to the decay heat and radiation which caused a gross expansion in the molecular structure of his body. When the first  explosion occurred in the overheated Unit #1 on March 12th, his body became fuzed with molten concrete and shards of glass, as the intense radiation created a reactor deep within the newborn creature. On the night of March 22nd, 2011 the glowing, pulsating, eighteen foot tall Fukushima Atomic Iron Meat Cyborg slowly walked out of the steaming Hydrogen clouds surrounding Reactor #4. He had been created by the disaster and was immune to the devastating fire, radiation and toxic gasses. So, he worked day and night to bring the accident site under control for the people of Japan.

コメント / Comment


/ The figure has 2 LED units for painting with light:One motion activated color-changing unit mounted inside the body that illuminates the glass shards in the surface of the body.And one 3-LED multicolor mini lamp unit, mounted in the head beneath the clear brain case, that comes with a with a 21 key multi-function remote controller with 13 selectable colors and 2 different modes: jump / fade. The figure is also hand painted:Painted with Monster Kolor paints using my new spray stipple technique to look like melted concrete.

ホームページ / SNS   http://www.plaseebo.net/news/news/




/ This work of theme was a big problem to the theme of modern society of Japan faced!!By the theme of global environmental issues and social issues, it is the work of thought-provoking a lot.It was born in these issues new creature "Fukushima Atomic Iron Meat Cyborg" exactly living today our own! !And now, something you can, ask what we need to do?? create it a strong piece of positive message!!!!A built-in LED, whole body lighted, adjust the light emitting condition, specification which can control up to the light-emitting color is awesome!!!!Not something help but feel the power of the atom to the designed pattern to the whole body! ! !Designed pattern on the whole body to feel the power of the atomic!!!

[Entry No.29] 白雪姫(それは!ただの食べ過ぎver.) / Snow White (It is! Just ear too much version)

名前 / Name  名もなき平民 / (Namonaki-Heimin)
 地域 / Area  愛知県 / AICHI JP
作品タイトル / Title


/ Snow White (It is! Just eat too much version)

コンセプト / Concept


/ She ate all apples that took from the witch, but "I'm not finished eating yet" and she make errand guys aka seven dwarfs buy bread can't wait the meantime, finally ate the forbidden fruit, gluttonous that caused the intense food poisoning to asleep Snow White is theme.

コメント / Comment  ー
ホームページ / SNS  ー



すごい設定の白雪姫に思わず心が癒されますっ!!!りんごを魔女から奪う!りんごの毒が効かない!!小人の扱いがすごい!!!毒じゃなくて食あたり!!!!全ての原因は食い意地です。。一体どんな手法をされたのか、まるで蛇革を身にまとっており、姫のキツイ性格が見事に表現されておりますっ!!リボンや手の行き届いた綺麗な髪の毛や化粧など、姫の美意識の高さをうかがえ、イエローのパンツが姫のズボラさを引き出しており、なんとも言えないこの気持ちは久々であります!! そして宇宙の広さを再認識して心が穏やかになっていくのでした!!!!りんご!?脳みそ!?! 

/ Snow White will be healed me in the amazing setting! ! !Take an apple from the witch! Poison apple does not behave!! Care of seven dwarfs is amazing! ! !Poison not food poisoning!!!! All of the cause is greed. .What is the what kind of approach, and dressed in a like snake leather, tough personality of the princess has been beautifully expressed! !Such beautiful hair and makeup that well-ribbon and hand, Ukagaemasu the height of the aesthetics of the princess, yellow pants and pull out the slob of the princess, this feeling will be a long time indescribably! ! And to re-recognize the breadth of the universeMy heart become calm! ! ! !Apple! ? Brains! ? !


[Entry No.28] NEO AKIRA (ネオアキラ)

名前 / Name  marvel_okinawa
 地域 / Area  沖縄 / OKINAWA JP
作品タイトル / Title  NEO AKIRA (ネオアキラ)
コンセプト / Concept


/ In the movie "Akira", Kaneda is riding motorbike and the old man like a child called Numbers were expressed using NEO JAPAN!

コメント / Comment

この作品に関してはこだわったペイント箇所は無く、デカールを作って貼っただけです!ただカッコイイ「ネオジャパン」× カッコイイ「アキラ」= スーパーカッコイイのができる(笑)そんな思いで作りました。

/ This works is much less obsessed with paint, I just stuck to create a decal! Just cool "Neo Japan" × cool "Akira" = it is the super cool!! I made at such a thought.

ホームページ / SNS  https://www.instagram.com/marvel_okinawa/




/ !!!Well done!!!!! The excitement and impact of the premier movie have been fused to no more than this!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so much would be cool and collect a cool ‥!! note note... Casually, worked in gradation are in the Hobby Japan (Japanese typical hobby magazine) of Gundam Sample images comparable to super paint technology, there is no difference in level of the place that put a decal,and I tremble to Ultra finish of model Sample images comparable to the Model Graphix (Japanese typical model magazine) !!!And the eyes of the pupil which is also the most difficult places also, finished a great sense of balance! !Create the future for myself, Neo Akira!!!! …!? Akira-kun!? Ne..Neo Akiraaa!!

[Entry No.27] Blue Steel (青い鋼)

名前 / Name  @zeyegoat (Jeff Erickson)
 地域 / Area  アメリカ ネブラスカ州 ノース・プラット / North Platte, NE. USA
作品タイトル / Title  Blue Steel (青い鋼)
コンセプト / Concept


/ A Blue God that answers the prayers of victims of violence and takes vengance upon their agressors.  He hunts them down, swallows their heads which retains their souls, then crushes their remains into dust. He gets his name Blue Steel from his icy cold stare which can stop a mans heart mid beat.

コメント / Comment


/ I added the chains for his fists because it just seemed right. And i added Led lights in his eyes, belly, and top of head. They pulse different colors red, blue, and purple. The button is located on the media tray. Everything is hidden inside the body and runs off 3 watch batterys. Also has 2 clear resin skulls in the belly window that catch the light. A video and more pictures are available to view on my Instagram @zeyegoat, Thank You.

ホームページ / SNS  https://www.instagram.com/zeyegoat/




/ God of vengeance of birth by prayer of people, Blue Steel!!!Mercy and hesitation also No mercy to the method of revenge!!He has absolutely Mercy and hesitation also no tolerance to method of revenge!!Its Killer Move is in the rocket punch with a chain...the enemy to dust!!!!Too strong!!Whether the lighting skull that belly window is such the enemy?LED lights are built-in the eyes and belly, head, is new idea!!...that's a great idea!!To power button such as using the media tray, I feel a commitment to fabricate the internal structure which is not visible to the eye.The iron plate of the neck portion to using the matte black , and silver nut, in a role that tighten the whole, I feel the color balance that has been so calculated!!!

[Entry No.26] PsytripZ Fog (サイケトリップZフォグ)

名前 / Name  Paulo Mendes (ZUKATY)
 地域 / Area  イギリス ロンドン / London UK
作品タイトル / Title  PsytripZ Fog (サイケトリップZ フォグ)
コンセプト / Concept


/ Chameleon on Psychedelic trip

コメント / Comment


/ Created using a combination of freehand airbrush, masking and hand painting.

ホームページ / SNS  http://zukaty.com




/ Once again the works emergence of danger level MAX!!! Pink or sky blue such as gentle color gradient, by combining the black spots in the accent, suddenly will change that can not approached creature!!!! And respect the courage to use extreme colors.Important is the courage and the spirit of challenge in life. I've learned from this works!!!

[Entry No.25] Neo Z Vision (ネオZビジョン)

名前 / Name  Paulo Mendes (ZUKATY)
 地域 / Area  イギリス ロンドン / London UK
作品タイトル / Title  Neo Z Vision (ネオZヴィジョン)
コンセプト / Concept

 "死は彼のもの" 銀河の旅 / 戦士

/ "A Death Becomes His" Galaxy Travel/Fighter

コメント / Comment


/ Created using a combination of freehand airbrush, masking and hand painting.

ホームページ / SNS  http://zukaty.com




/ Neo Z vision! !Now the strongest warrior of a different dimension too much travel the universe! ! !That the concept of warrior traveling the galaxy, can be enjoyed in a little bit different eyes wider view of the world! ! !Is this Pearl?Pearl and the face of the dye were mixed with whole is drifting is a feeling not an ordinary person off a strange glow and to amplify the sense of space.Mark of the mystery in the shoulder will also be concerned about! ! Will he belongs somewhere in the organization!?Or such only of those that symbolizes of him.When I met with him in a broad universe, or neo-Z vision is the calm that really are not tied to a cold pre-existing moral!!!!

[Entry No.24]  MAGMA (マグマ)

名前 / Name  TUKTORTOYs
 地域 / Area  横浜  / Yokohama Japan
作品タイトル / Title  MAGMA (マグマ)
コンセプト / Concept


/ "Magma" hot volcanic rock from deep earth.

コメント / Comment


/ Hand painted acrylic color

ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/tuktortoys/




/ Too much heat is trapped impossible level! ! !When touched, Ouch!! I feel the presence of like it would say.Has been reproduced stunning magma sense, further delicate gloss (clear) MAGMA FOG will care whether they eat what the heck...!!!

[Entry No.23]  POP'n FOG

名前 / Name  Boss
 地域 / Area  大阪府  / OSAKA JP
作品タイトル / Title  POP'n FOG
コンセプト / Concept


/ While keeping in mind the chameleon likeness was painted on the pop marbling and brush painting.

コメント / Comment


/ I was painted first time for painting contest.I was lots of fun.FOG cute FOG.

ホームページ / SNS  Twitter → @boss_myyk




/ What this is a gem of a supreme!!!What has become what on earth!?By secret of marbling paint, and beauty was born naturally, very interesting work which can not only present one in this world is entangled is the intention of the author like was born! ! ! !Marbling is the effective impact on the strongest! !I don't know how to making!!

[Entry No.22] Radioactive Meat (放射性ミート)

名前 / Name  Kyle Warner (Kaier_Customs)
 地域 / Area

 アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンフランシスコ

/ San Francisco, California, USA

作品タイトル / Title  放射性ミート / Radioactive Meat
コンセプト / Concept


/ DANGER. DANGER. DANGER. Proceeding any further will result in fatal exposure to toxic materials and may result in death.....or worse...

コメント / Comment


/ Painted using stone texture, glow in the dark, and fluorescent paints.

ホームページ / SNS  https://www.instagram.com/kaier_customs/




/ What a disaster! Now became superhuman because it was too exposed to radioactivity!!It can evolve anything more than the limit!!!Presence of the material is increased by using the texture of the stone, is also proportional to the risk of science energy visible from the crack, it has become a more dangerous work!!!Who let him wearing radioactivity pants!!!!I don't want to close him!!Chemical beam to shoot in dangerous mass and the darkness of the mystery that extends from the arm is very dignity of the ultimate weapon!!!!

[Entry No.21] Psychedelic metal (サイケデリックメタル)

名前 / Name  SHON
 地域 / Area  台湾  / Taiwan
作品タイトル / Title  サイケデリックメタル / Psychedelic metal
コンセプト / Concept

 トゲのない薔薇はない / No rose without a thorn

コメント / Comment

 私はあなたの全てのソフビを買いたいです ^^

/ I wish I could buy all your sofubi :D

ホームページ / SNS  https://www.instagram.com/shonside/




/ Psychedelic metal that dangerous smell! ! !By combining use a variety of colors on top of the silver, is directing is a little bit different sharp cold colorful, it is a beautiful and likely to be invited to the dangerous world of works! !Exactly, beautiful things has thorns! !Around the metal coating of the base has been a colorful painting of the above so as not to fogging, I feel a strong commitment and a super technique! ! !Thank you for your encouragement. salute!!!!

[Entry.20] Natural Wonder

名前 / Name  T.J. Parks  aka Outsidelookingn
 地域 / Area  アメリカ ピッツバーグ / Pittsburgh, USA
作品タイトル / Title  自然の素晴らしさ / Natural Wonder
コンセプト / Concept


/ Chameleons are such an amazing animal. They can change colors and can be very vibrant like few things in nature. I just wanted to try to translate that natural beauty in toy form.

コメント / Comment


ホームページ / SNS  http://www.instagram.com/outsidelookingn




/ While a combination of a lot of gentle color, and further combined with the distinct color, but it is easy or not settled or blurred colors, and has a stunning image, such as if like color originally there were present!!I can't see No trace of retouch, you can probably guess to have a complete image sense and paint technique is one shot!!!In particular, to the point where alternative color from green to red I feel the craftsmanship!!

[Entry No.19] Bad Blood (悪の血)

名前 / Name  Mr.KRITTANACH
 地域 / Area  タイ  / THAILAND
作品タイトル / Title  悪の血 / Bad Blood
コンセプト / Concept


/ The warrior that was chosen to revive from death. A pieces of the body of an ancient warrior combine with the holy armor that was piled up underground for a long time to conquer the ghost that hide inside human. His armor and sword was made from an ancient element, then it has a powerful strength. Including receive an energy from sunlight in the middle of his chest. This made him a powerful warrior until the energy  is gone.

コメント / Comment


ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/krittanach/




/ The tough ancient warrior that was resurrected from selected overtaken by death, wearing the strongest of armor that was sleeping in the basement, equipped with a legendary sword, and use of solar energy! ! !Too strong !!! Setting is too strongest!!!!!Fresh blood splashing, effectively brings out the work of perfection and reality, it has been invited to the strange space!!!Metal armor and blood of contrast emits a strange presence!It feel the chivalry, such as the last scene of heroism movie! !

[Entry No.18] ダーツ-RIZING- / DARTS-RIZING-

名前 / Name  ユウスケ / Yusuke
 地域 / Area  京都  / Kyoto JP
作品タイトル / Title  ダーツ-RIZING- / DARTS -RIZING-
コンセプト / Concept


/ It combines the speed and strength, such as thunder

コメント / Comment


/ Orange Mohawk to the body of a dark blue image of a dark clouds were painted with images that ran vertically like a thunder.

ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/y_mwm/




/ Cool! ! Yea and Cute! ! So cute! !Darts Rising has speed and power of thunder ‥ When appeared in front of me...So Cute!!! Rather than black, by making the painted in dark blue, compatibility with the orange and white ivory has increased to excellent! And by the paint that makes full use of the characteristics of brush painting, take a pose "Roar" Cuteness will increase!!!

[Entry No.17]  Twilight Darts (トワイライトダーツ)

名前 / Name  Kyle Warner (Kaier_Customs)
 地域 / Area

 アメリカ カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコ

/ San Francisco, California, USA

作品タイトル / Title  トワイライトダーツ / Twilight Darts
コンセプト / Concept


/ A hunter of the night, his natural colors make him a nocturnal hunter, blending into the shadows, waiting to strike at any unknowing victim...hoping to cross paths, once again, with the unknown assailant who left him blind in one eye...

コメント / Comment


/ 100% painted using acrylic paints and brush only techniques. (hot dogs not painted)

ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/kaier_customs/




/ Come on Twilight darts of Emperor of the night ! !He went through many of the shambles, aura that have survived have been outstandingly exude!!!The tiger stripes of body, mat painting or gloss painting, making it a finish with similar colors while impact! ! ! !Just style worthy of the shadow hunter!!The wound that does not heal yet, have hidden the battle of fate, It will be very concerned about. .It is not a weakness, It is the favorite food of sausage!!!

[Entry No.16] Urban Sprawl (スプロール現象)

名前 / Name  T.J. Parks aka OutsidelookingN
 地域 / Area  アメリカ ピッツバーグ  / Pittsburgh, USA
作品タイトル / Title  スプロール現象 / Urban Sprawl
コンセプト / Concept


/ I wanted to have the chameleon show the divide between nature and the human impact on nature.  Natural Jungle vs Urban Jungle

コメント / Comment


ホームページ / SNS  https://www.instagram.com/outsidelookingn/




 / Art the reality of social problems in a timely manner to modern society was born in the middle of evolve!! The nature of the form in the sprawl and the counter electrode to the theme is a conceptual work!! Chameleon corresponding to both urban jungle and the nature jungle. One felt the energy of the colorful and life, and the other is composed of worthy black and white in a concrete jungle, stands out a anti-pole is! In these social concepts and interesting to show the way, I think we can say that finished with the work that is more value!

[Entry No.15] holy rocks (聖なる岩)

名前 / Name  Mr. KRITTANACH
 地域 / Area  タイ  / THAILAND
作品タイトル / Title  聖なる岩 / holy rocks
コンセプト / Concept

 これは、少ししかない地球の環境を保護するために製作しました。体は地球上に存在する多くの要素によって製作しています。石、鉄、および銅です。特に、彼の体は彼に強さと幸運を与える、聖なる岩から製作しました。彼はエネルギーとして米を使用することができ、彼の脳は彼自身の正義によって制御されています。 / It was build for protecting the environment of the Earth, which has a few left. It's body was build up by many elements that existed on Earth. Rock, steel, and copper. Especially his body was build from a holy rocks, which gives him a strength and luck. He can use a rice as an energy and his brain was control by a justice from the one who made him.

コメント / Comment


ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/krittanach/




/ It is the thoughtful work which featured the theme of environment of the earth!A stone and iron, copper blood vessel run on the green called the sacred rock energy like a brick and I think about the earth living!!And it is the humor of the energy charge with rice!A weak point absolute as for the too fresh brains!!Stand to here that guard of the ultimate earth of justice!!

[Entry No.14] MEAT GANG (ミートギャング)

名前 / Name  marvel_okinawa
 地域 / Area  沖縄県  / OKINAWA JP
作品タイトル / Title  ミートギャング / MEAT GANG
コンセプト / Concept


/ The image of Gang of the US west coast.

コメント / Comment


/ The image of the US west coast of the gang.Since previous works of "Mr.MEAT" expression of "IREZUMI (Japanese tattoo)", this time I think to try to express the "TATTOO"! It was also good in the bandana to the skin head, but it is the hair was patiently transplantation because I wanted to also look at him.

ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/marvel_okinawa/



 き、きた〜ぁぁ!!!マーベル沖縄大仙人様、待望の傑作!!!!相変わらず最強クラスのハンドペイントに加え、まさかの植毛ということで、また一つ新たな宇宙が誕生してしまいましたっ。技術、アイディアに加えて、純粋にカッコイイと感じさせるこのセンス力にはすでに尊敬の念を抱いております!!!!さらりと投稿されておりますが、この作品のプロセスを想像しただけで‥。。最敬礼!!お腹にはお札を貯めているところなど遊び心も素晴らしく、いつか真似しようと決心しております。IRON MEATの語路が指にジャストフィットするなんて!くやしいです。

/ Come, came came!! Marvel Okinawa Super master, long-awaited masterpiece!!! And the strongest of the hand-painted as well this time, in a rainy day hair transplantation, also new universe had been born.Technology, and idea, sense force which makes purely feel cool, We are already holding a reverence!! It is without hesitation post... but just imagined the process of this work. . Profound bow! !Wonderfully playful, such as where you are accumulating your bill is to stomach, we have decided to try someday imitate.IRON MEAT wards is just fit the finger! It is mortifying.

[Entry No.13] God In Taiwan - Nezha(哪吒)

名前 / Name  Sam Hsu
 地域 / Area  台湾  / Taiwan
作品タイトル / Title  台湾の神 / God in Taiwan - Nezha (哪吒)
コンセプト / Concept

 台湾に祝福を /  God Bless Taiwan

コメント / Comment

 特に無し!/ Nothing!

ホームページ / SNS https://www.facebook.com/900.Sculptor.Studio/ https://www.instagram.com/900sculptorstudio/




/ It has been unified in color calm body of color, by using the fabric of vivid color, sharp of a sense of material is emphasized, making it work with a very impact!And a cloth fluttering in the air, spread the space of flag representation extending from the back, and to generate the kind of care, I think it is not has become to the divinity!Has issued the same care as the atmosphere of the shooting location, I just feel the God of Taiwan through IRON MEAT! ! ! !

[Entry No.12] 目立たない贅沢 / Low-key luxury /低調奢華

名前 / Name  Rick Hsieh / 蟹老闆
 地域 / Area  台湾  / Taiwan
作品タイトル / Title  目立たない贅沢 / Low-key luxury /低調奢華
コンセプト / Concept


/ The Works is the image of a mediocre chameleon. Weekdays live as modest general public, but are always deprived of their time to the company, the night shines like a different person, release the passion, and stress while he wanted to exhibit the talent is also divergence.

/ 作品想要表現一隻平凡的變色龍平時很低調像個小市民一般的生活~被公司所壓榨但是到了夜晚有另一個身分 展現出自己的才華 發光發熱~盡情奔放紓壓~

コメント / Comment

 FB:蟹老闆 https://www.facebook.com/rick1106

ホームページ / SNS  https://www.facebook.com/idmore01/




/ Whopping emission of light in the dark (glow?)!Bright place main in combined in point the color of vivid color that calm in, finished in an elegant work that was effective inking!And while in the dark inking is effectively exhibited, it has been fairly super tricks such as to twist up gradation.Though not visible only in the dark, how to painted!?The boil in the back of the head that appears to be a dark weakness mistake absolutely!I feel the preeminent sense one of the works in idea and expression force twice enjoy like! ! ! !

[Entry No.11]  日本の秘めた怒り / Inner Rage Japan

名前 / Name  Kyle Warner [Kaier_customs]
 地域 / Area

 アメリカ カリフォルニア州 サンフランシスコ

/ San Francisco, California, USA

作品タイトル / Title  日本の内に秘めた怒り / Inner Rage Japan
コンセプト / Concept


/ The inner rage of a suffering man builds up until it ruptures, with its fiery tendrils, corrupting the mind, body, and soul until there is only destruction and madness.

コメント / Comment


/ This piece was 100% hand painted using acrylic paint and art brushes.

ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/marvel_okinawa/




/ Simple but this presence! ! !Simple coloring and the accent eye color, sophisticated design causes a chemical reaction, and finished the work that has been cursed that caused the tremendous energy!Strong destruction impulse to erosion destruction and madness of the ancient around the chest of the core due to the influence that exceeds the limit is transmitted ‥! !There are traces of tear the handcuffs, you can ask had been sealed somewhere! !And `` bitter sword characters cursed engraved of, we have to amplify the energy of the magnificent destiny and madness of the man! ! ! !

[Entry No.10] 虹色カメレオンのウィッキーくん (Rainbow chameleon Wicky-kun)

名前 / Name  新田亮二 / RYOJI NITTA
 地域 / Area  東京都  / TOKYO JP
作品タイトル / Title  虹色カメレオンのウィッキーくん / Rainbow Chameleon Wicky-kun
コンセプト / Concept

 虹色カメレオンがいったっていーじゃない! / Rainbow-colored chameleon is it good exist!

コメント / Comment

 カメレオン→色が変わる→多くの種類の色が塗りたい→虹色!的な発想で塗装しました。  1色や3色といった特定の色に決められず、いろんな色を塗りたくて、虹色をイメージして塗りました。  カメレオンだから、多彩な色も許されるかなと

/ Chameleon → change color → I want to paint of many color → rainbow-colored! It was painted in specific idea.I will not be determined to a specific color such as one color and three colors, I wanted to paint a lot of colors, it was painted with the image of rainbow colors.Because chameleon, the variety of colors are also allowed.

ホームページ / SNS  -




/ Ideas that have been converted from the mimicry of to the rainbow has become a concept that takes advantage of the characteristics of a chameleon, ingenious use of color have been born! !In spite of the fact that using a lot of color, there is a unity to the whole, it seems comes through to the funky soul of Wicky-kun! ! !More than anything produced also the Ultra passion and Miracle fun of the artists it has just become a work that comes through through the color! ! ! ! !Image of paper balloon will have more me further to deep into the presence of Wicky-kun! !


名前 / Name  marvel_okinawa
 地域 / Area  沖縄県  / OKINAWA JP
作品タイトル / Title  NEOJAPAN-HUMUNGUS / (ネオジャパン-ヒューマンガス)
コンセプト / Concept


/ I tried to make as it imitate the HUMUNGUS out of Mad Max the movie.

コメント / Comment


/ I create idea and created it.

ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/marvel_okinawa/




/ Marvel Okinawa super master! ! ! ! Seventh of treasured! ! ! !Already It has transcended the area of the imitate! And usually does not this をworks a whim! !RealismHardcorePunkRocksism is, fused with deformed reduction has been the human body area, I have the birth of a new genre in the history of aesthetics of the human race.Sparkkkk! ! ! !Also instead of it recognized that wearing a detail of the body, we have something be asked again the information reflected in the eye by handling as the epidermis.And our brains to big brother of the lips pink thing as if modern society leading edge and the last tail was at the same time a symbol of will have received a great shock.In addition there is a chic of the place that has been attached to your face to conceal their information, the act of conceal functions as the amplifying device of the spirit world, than it can be said that a kind of feeling of vitality and energy has occurred What no! ! !S, Spaaaark! ! !

[Entry No.8] neojapan-chimera

名前 / Name  marvel_okinawa
 地域 / Area  沖縄県  / OKINAWA JP
作品タイトル / Title  neojapan-chimera / ネオジャパンーキメラ
コンセプト / Concept


/ Let's summarize the elements as different to one, I was to "chimera".

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/ Image is upper body is Dragon (right: thunder dragon, left: fire dragon), lower body is lion!Place the six-pointed star to be reminiscent of the summons to the chest, face was the color ring mysterious wanted to express is that may of the enigmatic.

ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/marvel_okinawa/




 / Marvel Okinawa master! ! ! 6th of abstinence! ! ! !‥ half of this world is not an exaggeration to say that consists in this master! ! ! !Again it is difficult to muscle carving, has been decorated in a preeminent sense, not only the approach to one of the surface,Whole we feel the height of the level around which has been subjected without discomfort!The man who was considered to be close to the power of God through rituals and prayer,Connecting the physical world and the spirit world, it seems to give all the power. .Really the force is the power of God or another one ‥.And now, birth of the forces here beyond the human knowledge!

[Entry No.7] NEO JAPAN "Blue & White(PORCELAIN)"

名前 / Name  marvel_okinawa
 地域 / Area  沖縄県  / OKINAWA JP
作品タイトル / Title  NEO JAPAN "Blue & White"(PORCELAIN)
コンセプト / Concept

 磁器を表現してみました / I expressed porcelain.

コメント / Comment


/ I've imagined the frontside as European porceline, and the backside as oriental porceline.

ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/marvel_okinawa/




/ Would be that what! ! ! Marvel Okinawa master!!The fifth installment! ! ! ! !RESTORE is a momentum that is now compromised! ! !Almost it has become one of such finish is made of genuine porcelain,Balance and shape of the design has been calculated always.Not only in the pursuit of ideas and surface design, has become a work of converting the concept of the material, I think in new possibilities and direction was born in human values.I was astonished to the pursuit of aesthetics that are not tied to a fixed concept.Through the representation of porcelain, East and West become two sides of the same coin, we have the birth in the here and now as a symbol of peace.Maybe this is not sword, this is backrub bar.

[Entry No.6] The Beast (ザ・ビースト)

名前 / Name  marvel_okinawa
 地域 / Area  沖縄県  / OKINAWA JP
作品タイトル / Title  The Beast / (ザ・ビースト)
コンセプト / Concept

 筋繊維 / Muscle Fibers

コメント / Comment


/ I've added muscle fibers to the muscular beauty of Neo Japan, to give him a phenominal feeling, and grotesque image.

ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/marvel_okinawa/



 なんとマーベル沖縄先生!!!続きまして奇跡の第4弾!!!(土下座) マーベル沖縄仙人と呼ばせてくださいっ!これでもかというくらい筋肉の繊維の流れが計算されており、最強筋肉の中に美しさみたいなものまで感じております!!流れるように美しい筋肉繊維は生命感と生々しさを生み出し、赤色をベースにした塗装には生命感を増幅させる効果が絶大で、まるで我々人類に生と死の概念を問うような作品となっておりますですはい。暴走するエネルギーをギリギリのところでコントロールしてはいるがいつ暴走してもおかしくない!そんな繊細な世界観まで想像させる完成度ではないでしょうかっ。現代社会のエネルギー問題にも通じるコンセプチュアルな魔道兄貴、ここに誕生!!※こちらの勝手な妄想です。

/ What!! Marvel Okinawa teacher! ! ! 

Following this is the fourth installment of a miracle!! I like to call marvel Okinawa my master! It is ridiculously have been calculated muscle fibers of the flow, I feel up to things like beauty in the strongest of muscle!! Beautiful muscle fibers to flow is creating a feeling of vitality and vivid, a tremendous effect to amplify the feeling of vitality in the paint where the red base, has become a work, such as questioning the concept of like life and death to our humanity you. Although is to control the energy to runaway at the last minute! Why not in the degree of perfection to the imagination to such delicate view of the world. Conceptual Mage big brother is also leading to the energy problems of modern society, born here! ! ※ This is my delusion.

[Entry No.5] 漆ミート (URUSHI MEAT)

名前 / Name  クロ☆くす / kuro*kusu
 地域 / Area  宮崎県  / MIYAZAKI JP
作品タイトル / Title  漆ミート / "URUSHI" MEAT
コンセプト / Concept

 直に漆を塗ったら・・・ / White Hail Old NEO JAPAN

コメント / Comment

 日本の伝統工芸の漆塗りが最初に浮かんだテーマでした。アイアンミートを工芸品のように仕上げたら。 いざウルシで構想してみたらどうもアイアンミートとしてシックリこず悩みに悩んだ挙句一つの答え(妄想)にたどり着きました・・・アイアンミートなら直に漆を身体にうっかり塗るに違いない。そして全身かぶれてしまうに違いないと。その瞬間頭の中で全身漆かぶれたアイアンミートのイメージが完成しました。 拘ったところは①  ちゃんと(当たり前ですが)うるし塗料を使った。②全身目立つぶつぶつカブレはポップな表現でまるぽっち。※一個一個自分なりにくっつけていくのが中々苦行でしたが楽しかったです。③うるしを直に塗った肌は一見目立たない所をリアルなカブレのような蚯蚓腫れのような表現にしました。 ※蚯蚓腫れの表現は実際塗ってて私自身かぶれて蚯蚓腫れになったのをヒントにしました!

/ "URUSHI" MeatTheme: What happens if I painted Ironmeat with "URUSHI" coating?The traditional Japanese craft "URUSHI-NURI" was what came to me first. What would happen if I painted Ironmeat like a traditional craft? So I started working on the framework of a "URUSHI" Ironmeat, but it did not fit well with it's image. After hours of thinking, I finally came up with an answer (or rather a story for him)...Ironmeat, himself, will make a mistake and coat himself with "URUSHI"...and the poor guy will have skin irritation all over his body (URUSHI is extremely itchy when it gets onto your skin). That is when I came up with the image of Ironmeat with Urushi-Rash all over his body.Points that I put work into:1. (Of course) I used URUSHI coating.2. The rashes covering the body, I have made it dotty to give a popish image. *Sticking it one by one was self-torment...but fun.3. I have made it realistically swollen and puffy on areas of the skin that he applied URUSHI directly on. * I got this idea from my actual experience - I was swollen as well from Urushi-Rash!

ホームページ / SNS   https://twitter.com/momoclox




I feel the universe to the idea of IRON MEAT was rash with URUSHI! !Idea is ‥ such work to be noticed and I'm infinite freedom.Idea is infinite and freedom...I such reminded.Such as using lacquer to the material, rather than theme only, has been produced with attention to technique and process, it would have finished in a high-value as a work of art! ! !Obsessed shooting location, Where is here!!!?Nearby mountain, ‥ that I was surprised to like the world of Studio Ghiblis film. .‥ ‥ familiar familiar with the background? I also feel the infinite possibilities of the universe too new sensation!

[Entry No.4] Pardalizard FOG

名前 / Name  Ben Mininberg (Prometheus Rising Studios)
 地域 / Area  ニューヨーク  / New York, United States
作品タイトル / Title  (パラダリザードフォグ) / Pardalizard FOG
コンセプト / Concept


/ I painted my FOG in bright, natural colors that show he is a fearsome hunter and dangerous beast.

コメント / Comment


/ Based on colors of Panther Chameleons from Madagascar.

ホームページ / SNS   PrometheusRising.net




/ I feel deadly poison very much to Blue paint accent.

It is at the top of the forest of the food chain.

And come on great sense make a nice accompaniment to natural forest.

Really it looks lively as if they were living in the forest!!

Has been well look and fine painted the scales, such as where the paint as nonpersisting when looking at the whole has been calculated, feel the Ultra sense! !

[Entry no.3] ZERO-JAPAN (零式人型戦闘機)

名前 / Name  marvel_okinawa
 地域 / Area  沖縄県  / OKINAWA JP
作品タイトル / Title  ZERO-JAPAN (零式人型戦闘機) / (Zero Type Humanoid Fighter)
コンセプト / Concept


/ I've imagined the Zero Fighter to paint this.

コメント / Comment

 2100年、"00" 零式人型戦闘機として歴戦の結果生じた劣化を表現しました。

 /Year 2100, I have depicted the deterioration coming from the many wars that -"00" Zero Type Humanoid Fighter- had fought.

ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/marvel_okinawa/




 Believe it or not, marvel-Okinawa-Shisho has sent us yet another work! His 3rd!! Salute!! He looks strong, and moreover, I can sense his faith in his doing. Yet, it is robotic, and I can see that he has fought through long years. This -"00" Zero Type Humanoid Fighter-; I do wonder, was he, when he was shipped first to his customers, quite a fresh guy with no rust or dirt? How many were manufactured? This is a wonderful work that lets me imagine many things.

[Entry No.2]  オールドジャパン  (OLD JAPAN)

>クリックで拡大 >Click to enlarge

名前 / Name  marvel_okinawa
 地域 / Area  沖縄県  / OKINAWA JP
作品タイトル / Title  オールドジャパン / OLD JAPAN
コンセプト / Concept

 白髪の年配ネオジャパン / White Hail Old NEO JAPAN

コメント / Comment


I've put in Koi (Japanese Carp) and Uguisu (Japanese bush warbler) on his shoulders, and grouse, rupturing through the thunder roaring black clouds, on his back, in Japanese carving-ish painting. I wanted to give the lower body a Japanese taste as well so I have used a traditional Japanese design Asa-no-Ha-Moyo (Hemp Leaf Pattern).

ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/marvel_okinawa/




marvel-okinawa-Shisho, in addition to "Mr. Meat", has sent us another work! Thank you so much!! Very cool! Let me use your idea of "White Hair" in the future. The Koi and Uguisu have been extremely intricately drawn. Asa-no-Ha-Moyo and the color gives me a sense of nostalgia but at the same time, I feel something new in it as well. Well...I must say that you have struck the quintessence of the beauty that RESTORE is aiming...The back side is a must see as well!

[Entry No.1]  お肉さん  (Mr.MEAT)

>クリックで拡大 >Click to enlarge

名前 / Name  marvel_okinawa
 地域 / Area  沖縄県  / OKINAWA JP
作品タイトル / Title  お肉さん / Mr.MEAT
コンセプト / Concept



Meat is theme of my work - The 256 Meat-ga Bite Brain is bursting with meaty thoughts and the body is downright meaty with meaty tattoos. He just loooves MEAT.

コメント / Comment


I will be painting his buddy, NEO JAPAN next. Please look forward to it!

ホームページ / SNS   https://www.instagram.com/marvel_okinawa/




Mr.Meat looooves meat so much that he tattoos himself with meat, from which I sense, to such feat of Mr.Meat, a strong macho determination. The meaty will to expand his brain capacity from 256 MB to 256 Meat-ga-Bite, I must say Mr.Meat has devoted his life to "Meat".

Technique, idea, sense...all are Top Quality Meat!! Not only has marvel_Okinawa-Shisho handpainted difficult silhouettes, he has also casually thrown in high level technique of symmetry. Salute to marvel_okinawa-Shisho!
